You will need to edit the .sublime-theme file to do this. Unfortunately, in Sublime Text 3 this file is contained in a zipped .sublime-package file, so you’ll need to extract that first. Install the PackageResourceViewer plugin via Package Control, then hit ⌘ShiftP and type prv to bring up the PackageResourceViewer options. Select Open Resource, scroll down to Theme - Default, hit Enter, scroll down to Default.sublime-theme, and hit Enter again to open it.
Next, search for sidebar_label and modify the first one (on line 362) to look like this (it needs to be valid JSON):
“class”: “sidebar_label”,
“color”: [0, 0, 0],
“font.bold”: false,
“font.italic”: false, // <– add comma
“font.size”: 14 // <– new line
// , “shadow_color”: [250, 250, 250], “shadow_offset”: [0, 0]
Save the file, and you should see the sidebar font size change. You can change 14 to whatever size you want, depending on your personal preferences.